Saturday, March 16, 2013


that's exactly where i've been. m.i.a. but not really. cause all the action is riding right next to me. it's like i got thrown into the washing machine and put on the roughest setting. i'm almost on spin dry for the semester and i can't wait to go into the dryer in the summer. june can't come soon enough. 

awesome things about 1985 that i didn't know: the first domain was registered,, on march 15th. happy belated. the great bill watterson published his first calvin and hobbes comic strip (i know, i know...i'm ashamed too. from how much i talk/love c&h, i shoulda known that). and that swoll bundle of joy named mike tyson fought his first fight.

cosmo is awesome. he's slowly learning to be outdoors without me holding him back and running off into the sunset (which i'm sure he dreams of everyday). the trick is to tire the crap out of him from the start. and he's just chill for the rest of the time we're out there. one day he'll be off the leash and then we can both run off into the sunset. together. paw in hand.

back to the grind of books, graphs, returns, perceptions, value, betas, advertising, efficient frontiers, money, customers, demand, position, blahblahblah coffee. i love coffee.

Monday, December 10, 2012

oh christmas treeeee oh christmas treeeee

Ahhhh!  Finals are over!  Such a crazy time that flew by so fast!  Time really does fly when you're having fun.  I'm starting to realize how much time I waste doing meaningless tasks and how capable I am to squeeze every last objective I want to accomplish in my day.  My first semester at Rice is over, and it's definitely been a blessing to get my edumacation there.  I had an AWESOME ASS team.  Everyone played nice and I think we complimented each other well.  We just clicked.  Like PB&J.  Or summer and snow cones.  Or carrots and hummus (which I've been devouring this past week.)  Or me and snowboarding.  Kind of hitting it early this year, but what better way to start off the season by celebrating the new life my brah Alvin is going to embark next year with his new bride.  Mt. Hood is the destination and the weather man/woman/donkey (imo, a donkey could give predictions as well as some of those human beasts) says it's suppose to snow while we're there, which would be SICK.  But I'm not betting on it.  I'd rather believe that it's not going to happen so when it doesn't, I can curse those weather donkeys and if it does, then I'll be one stoked person on the mountain.  I love this time of year.  Everyone gets super excited about planning trips, dreaming of powder, and finding excuses to get out of work to go snowboarding.  And most of all, trying to convince others to go.  It's amazing how well things have worked out so far.    

Courtesy of DTang

Hopefully we can get another outting like we did last year with everyone able to go cause it was a freaking blast.  

I also love this time of year because of Christmas!  Got a tree last week and it smells great.  The smell of Christmas trees is something you can't beat.  It's a little nekked but that'll soon change once we start producing ornaments.

I tried to use some scraps from the tree and ornaments/lights my parents gave me to decorate the mantel.  Finally hung up that darn tv too.  The house is starting to feel like a home.  Slowly but surely.  I've also worked on the guest bathroom but it's not complete yet.  I'll save that for another post.  I'm taking full advantage of this free time to get things done and enjoy the holidays!

Monday, September 24, 2012


jumbled, and mushed together with no time to breathe in between.  This past weekend has been by far the hardest weekend yet.  This is what it entailed starting on Friday:

These past couple of weeks have been kicking my butt.  With all that said, I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.  I've never felt so productive in my life before.  Probably because I'm slowly learning how to prioritize everything.  Which leads me to my topic of discussion for next time...time management.  I thought I had this down before I started school.  But really, I had no clue what it really meant until yesterday.  Well, at least in my mind.  Until then...


P.S.  Trip pics/vids coming soon.  

Friday, July 20, 2012

recurring theme

Went to the store to pick up some groceries...

What I came for.

What I came home with.

Happens every time...thanks Howard E. Butts.  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

another one bites the dust!

First off, I wanted to say congratulations to the newlywed couple Hai and Angeline!  It was a beautiful wedding and an honor to be a part of it.  I wish you two the best!

Now to start this whole blog thingy.  Never done it before.  And I have no idea what I'm doing.  And it feels like I'm talking to myself.  And maybe I am...or am I?  The reason why I'm starting this whole shindig is because of Ben Poon (BP).  One day he asked me what I did for the past year and how things have changed.  I paused, and honestly, I couldn't really answer that question.  That's when I realized I have memory as good as a goldfish.  Hence, the starting of this blog.  I wanted to capture and remember my experiences that I go through and share some stuff with yall (whoever yall is).  And it'll force me to use/do things that I always say I will but "never get around to it".  Such as my camera.  I also have this awesome goal of hitting all 50 states before I'm 50 years old.  So I'll be posting my progress on here too.  And look out for some home improvement projects I plan on doing around my house!  Hopefully it'll encourage yall to do some stuff around your house too.

I think that'll do for my first post.  A little background, a little preview, you know.  Until next time!
